Friday, May 14, 2010

This Blog Has Nothing To Do With Shakespeare.

... Sorry to any disappointed thespians out there. Feel free to write me an angry comment or throw shoes at me or whatever form of retaliation you see fit.

I'm pretty much terrified of starting a blog, people will read it, and I can't help thinking "Oh man, what if they hate it? What if I'm not funny enough?! OH GOD! WHAT IF I OFFEND SOMEBODY!? D:" And then my head basically explodes and I'm sitting in a corner rocking back and forth and making Gollum noises.

Now I'm over that (read: just biting my nails and twitching occasionally) and making my first foray into the wild world of blogging. In the spirit of a true neurotic I went and read as many blogs as I could find, compiling data and making sure I was going to do it right.

Want to know what I learned?

First thing is that no matter what I talk about - someone has already blogged it. Seriously - I had NO idea that people blogged about some of these things.... Cake vs. Pie, Robots vs. Aliens, Politics, Family, Animals that Look Like People.... If the word is in the dictionary - it has been blogged about.

I also learned that I will never be the funniest person on the internet. No matter how much I would like to be. I feel that is probably the funniest person - and I am almost envious of her A.D.H.D. because my brain has come to the conclusions that:

1. There is no way one person can contain that much awesomeness unless they have some kind of disorder.

2. That disorder must also have a cool acronym.

I therefore will never be funny. Whatever I have is either a so far undiscovered disorder or a result of too much head trauma throughout my life.

Anyways, I'll try to update regularly, but I can't actually tell you when I'll update because then I'll freak myself out, panic, and end up back in the corner doing a bad Gollum impression. So whenever I have something cool to say - that's when I'll post. :D

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