Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Things That Are Awesome

Now I know I'm the kind of person who LOVES to criticize. I mean I seriously love to do it. I'll go to the mall just to sit in the food court and make fun of all the freaks that hang out there. I know it's not really a flattering personality trait, but what can I say? Some times taking the piss out of people is fun. That's not all that I want this blog to be about though, so I've decided today that I'm going to try and write about awesome things. Wish me luck.

1. Art

I'm a Fine Arts major, so I of course think art is awesome. Not shitty, stupid, pointless modern art, mind you, but REAL art. Things that took time and thought to produce and which showcase the artist's skill. The Renaissance was the most awesome art period in history, in my opinion. And Jackson Pollock might as well be the Anti-Christ. Damn abstract impressionists and PoMo's.

2. Slurpees

Liquid sugar, artificial coloring, artificial flavor and ice crystals, in a cup of tooth-rotting goodness. What's not to love?

3. Computers

As much as relying on them not only for my entertainment but also my livelihood bothers me, computers are pretty awesome. I just have to think back to the computer we had when I was in junior high to see how much more awesome they've gotten in the last decade or so. Also, I love Mac. :D

4. Hoodies

I'm a huge fan. They don't have to be name brand, or fancy, even though I prefer name-brand ones. (when I can get them on sale - yay for winter clearance events!) They're soft and warm, they look good on just about everyone, and having one in your car is like having an emergency blanket!

5. Tropical Skittles

Are the best kind of Skittles ever invented. If you've never had them, you might need a hug. The flavors are so much better than regular Skittles. Omnomnom.

6. Beef Jerky

I live in a town that is actually world renowned for its beef jerky, so I'm kind of a connoisseur. I don't like that thick, greasy, meaty beef jerky that every gas station sells, that's just humiliated steak in my opinion... But give me so really good beef jerky... I'll love you forever. lol.

Wow... that was actually really hard. I feel that exercises like this should be done on a regular basis for me, just to keep my head on straight.

Well, it's been fun. Till next time! <3

1 comment:

  1. haha was just re- reading this..... and would like to point out..... even though your efforts in finding awesome things didnt go unnoticed, You still managed to take the piss out of people in this... "And Jackson Pollock might as well be the Anti-Christ. Damn abstract impressionists and PoMo's."

    love you

