Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I am A) a hipster, B) a punk C) a prep or D) all of the above

Call me old, but I don't understand fashion or at least the genres of it any more.

When I was in high school you were either a prep or you weren't, that was about it. Now there are all these ridiculous labels being put on how you dress that have nothing to do with how you really live your life.

If you wear plaid, legging skinny jeans and have anti-seal-hunting buttons on your messenger bag you're all of a sudden a hipster. If you wear a t-shirt made out of bamboo fibers and have dreads you're a hippy. If you wear chucks and studded bracelets you're a punk.

How superficial. I remember when being those things meant you lived the lifestyle, not just rocked the look. I remember when being a hipster meant that you were a deep thinker that was on a mission to change the world, when being a hippy meant you smoked at least a gram of the reefer a day and when being punk meant you hated authority and loved underground music.

I personally have never really felt the need to stick myself with one label. I like to shop a Value Village and the Salvation Army, but I also have an affinity for branded skate shoes and hoodies. I like camo and denim but I own several dresses. I own four pairs of high heels and my only all season coat is a men's leather motorcycle jacket. I like a lot of popular music, but I know that the creativity of music today is being rapidly eclipsed by making catchy beats that sell. I never wear make up, but I do manicure my nails. I don't know what all of this adds up to, but I think I can honestly say that it's my own style, not something that Hot Topic rammed down my throat.

I think everyone could use a little more creativity, not just with their style, but with themselves. Being sheeple is never cool, find out who you are and what you like, then get clothes and a look that reflects on YOU and how you live your life. Once you've got it rock that as hard as you can!

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